Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My fellow Americans,

It is I, Barack H. Obama.  I'm starting this blog to connect more directly with you, the masses, most of whom are already deeply in love with me.  Here on Barry's blog you'll be able to get an unedited, unfettered, unadulterated daily dose of me.

 "Me."  Just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it?  I love its sound, its shape, the timbre of my voice when I speak it...

Sorry.  Where was I?  Oh yes.  Me.  And my blog.  Over the next month, I'll blog about what an Obama supreme rulership would look like.  You'll hear about the economy, foreign policy, national security, hope, change, rainbows, unicorns, butterflies, and daisies.  And how the Obama administration will take over your life.

So don't ask "why should I read Obama's blog?"  Ask "with whom can I share Obama's blog so they too will see, as I have, the wisdom, the strength, the charisma, the omnipotence, and the profound, deep humility of Barack Obama?"

Until next time, I remain your future Grand Imperial Obamalicious Leader,


1 comment:

Jackie said...


Good luck with your blog. Its a good way to reach out to people so offended by hope,and(gasp) change.We have not seen a glimps of either in the past 8 years.Not to mention,honesty,and a multitude of other beneficial qualities.