Friday, October 10, 2008

A Few Points

My fellow Americans,

A few items today.

First, in Tuesday's post, I announced my intention to rename the U.S. House of Representatives to Obama's Magical Change Fairies. I would like to clarify that I was in no way referring to Barney Frank.

Second, you may have seen this article claiming that a funky smell permeates the press section of my official jet. Let me tell you, America, that smell is CHANGE, and as I've said before, this nation is about to get downright reesty with Changestank. I therefore now unveil my campaign's latest logo and slogan:

Last, and most important, I need you, my smitten readers, to leave comments. Tell me in fawning hyperbole how much you love me. Tell me how badly you want me, your benevolent man-god currently taking human form, to make your decisions. Tell me how desperately you need my Massive Obamalicious Government to save you from your mediocre selves.  It might help if you prostrate yourself or at least genuflect while you type.  Talk to me, America!

I await your plaudits. Until then, I remain your Mountain of Molten Hope,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Friends, if you read that same article you'll see that the same reporter who commented on how stinky Obama's plane was also said how delightful it was to be on my airplane. Obama and his cronies won't tell you that, I JUST DID. Friends, that smell is more than just bean pies and reefer, it's the smell of inexperience. The smell of a politician who's too young to potty train soiling himself with the promise of raising taxes on 95% of all hard working Americans. Here's something else you should smell: the roses, after you wake up to Obama's fantasy world vision for our country.